Are you planning on traveling abroad and need a passport?  Well, if your an American citizen this is what you need to do:

1.  You need two photos to go along with your passport application.  You can go to almost any photo developing store and they can do it for just a few dollars.

2.  Once you have your photos, you can go to one of your nearest post offices and fill out the application for you passport.  I downloaded a copy of the application off the net, but still had to fill out the original form.  So don't waste your time on the one from the net, get the form from them.  They finish filling out the paperwork there and you must show a valid drivers license and your birth certificate.  Its costs around $60.00 (New rates were effective February 1) and it takes about 4-6 weeks to get your passport.

If you need a international drivers license and are an American you can get it from most auto insurance agents.  I was able to get mine from AAA of Michigan, again it only cost a few dollars, and only took a few minutes to fill out the tests!!!! Its valid for six months.  Even if you don't plan on driving, I still think its a good idea to get one as an extra peice of identification.

Here are some handy links for more information:

The U.S. State Department - Lots of information on passports and visa regulations required for all countries and check up the latest travel warnings!

Swedish Information Service - Everything you need to know when traveling to Sweden!  From information to teaching you Swedish!



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