Human sexuality is not well understood. I'm not a sexuality
specialist so what I'm going to tell you isn't scientific. The only
things that I can speak with authority on are my own experiences. Start by looking at a journal I wrote called "Growing Up Gay" which tells my story of growing up with same-gender attractions. If you read my story you know that I've always had feelings of attractions towards other guys. Scientists aren't sure what causes homosexuality but they're almost all in agreement that it's not a choice. When I was growing up I didn't want to be gay and I denied my feelings and prayed that they would go away for years. But nothing's every going to change who I am.
There's a famous study out by a doctor named Alfred Kinsey that rated people on a scale from 0 to 6. Here's how the Kinsey Scale was set up:
0 exclusively heterosexual Using that as your scale you can then gage where you fit in regards to the following categories.
1) Sexual Attraction - To whom are you sexually attracted? With Sexual Attraction I rate about a 5. Nearly all of my attraction is towards members of the same genger, but occassionally I will see a girl who I feel attracted to. According to Kinsey's scale, the majority of people rate around a 1. With Sexual Behaviour I'm not applicable because I've never had sex with anyone male or female. Most people rate around 0. With Sexual Fantasies I rate about a 6. I fantasize almost exclusively about men. When I was younger my fantasies would be about groups of men and women together. Most people rate around a 2. With Sexual Identity I rate a 6. I consider myself gay even though I'm probably on the far end of bisexuality.
Researchers believe that between 5 and 10 percent of the population is homosexual. I'm one of those 5 to 10 percent. When I was younger I didn't want to be associated with homosexuality. Today I'm finally comfortable with my sexuality and I'm proud to be on of the 10%. This is who I am. And I'm happy with it.
If you have any questions or comments send them to me at [email protected].
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