Miss Ashley J. Rally
So I have not bored you yet ?
Very good !
If you have read this far either you know something about me
already or you are very interested in my home page.
I have shared with you I do like Ladies very much. No I am not
"gay" as you might be thinking as I enjoy men just like the next
girl. I am just not afraid to share my affections with another Lady whom
I happen to find special too me that is all.
As I mentioned earlier I am president of Lambda
Sigma Sigma a unique Sorority in which I happen to be quite proud
to be affiliated with. We have as I mentioned earlier a terrific diet plan
in which I happen to be in charge of. This makes the small amount they collect
in dues for the operations a small price to pay just for the benefits we
all receive from our diet/maintenance program. We meet
personally if you happen to live in my area. I live in the south Georgia
area. Not a very conducive place to the open mind. As I said before now
with the Sorority Web Suite coming into service really soon we will have
many opportunities to be as one thanks to the wizardry and generosity of
a very dear friend of mine. We will be able to sponsor Sisters anywhere
in the world and are seeking contacts in various regions for your own local
chapter of Lambda Sigma Sigma.
I can not tell you how many of my friends have loved my diet
plan with my encouragement and special techniques which are nothing really
new just something to encourage accountability. In a by gone era I found
that Ladies of a Sorority were much better behaved than the Sisters of today.
I am going to assume if you are reading this you are probably in my age
group around 25-37 years of age. This is the average age of the Sisters
of Lambda Sigma Sigma.
Not that other ages are not welcome as we have been attracting
many younger initiates lately but we find this seems to be the status quo
for most of our initiates into my wonderful Sorority. Many of us are perhaps
even married or just caught up in our daily lives and either crave and appreciate
the intimacy of Sisterhood or long for a return to our college bonding.
It does not matter so much of what background you come from at Lambda
Sigma Sigma. We simply want to attract a Lady with style, grace and
elegance. If you appreciate style, class, structure
& discipline. You have perhaps found your new home. I encourage you
to pursue what Lambda Sigma Sigma might be able to
offer you.
At this point If you do not like my home page I will encourage
you to exit and I will even provide you with a link to Yahoo
One of the worlds most favorite search engines to find something more entertaining
to you.
If you are still here with me then good. Because now it might
get interesting for you.
Now shall we go to the next page ? Be warned this will be unsuitable
for underage children.
Click Here for more with Miss
Ashley !