Priestes in St. George Church


      Name : Father Youhanna Eskander 
Date of birth: Baba 12, 1642 (coptic) 
                            October22, 1926 
  Date of ordained : Hatour 10, 1683 (coptic)  
                                      November 19, 1972

Father Youhanna Eskander 

A Brief Biography: 

Father Youhanna Eskander was ordained as a priest by His Holiness Pope Shenouda on  Hatour 10, 1689 (Coptic) Novemder 19, 1972 to serve at St. George & St. Abraam Coptic Orthodox Church Heliopolis Cairo Egypt. 

Father Youhanna Eskander was born in old Egypt in Baba 12, 1642 (coptic) October 22, 1926. He is married and has a son "Emad" and two daughters "Salawa and Sherry". He Graduated with a B.Sc. degree in medicine from Cairo University.  

Father Youhanna Eskander also Graduated from Coptic theological college.



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