Priestes in St. George Church

  Name : Father Daoud Daoud 
Date of birth:                              (coptic)

Date of ordained : Barmahat  5, 1711 (coptic) 
        March 14, 1994

Brief Biography: 

Father Daoud Daoud was ordained as a priest by His Holiness Pope Shenouda III on  Barmahat  5, 1711 (Coptic) March 14, 1994 to serve at St. George & St. Abraam Coptic Orthodox Church Heliopolis Cairo Egypt.

Father Daoud Daoud was born in Fayuom, Egypt in 30 Bashans 1664 (coptic) 7 June 1947. He is married and has a daughter "Remonda" and a son "Remon". He Graduated with a B.Sc. degree in Medicine from Cairo University . 

Father Daoud Daoud  also Graduated from Coptic theological college.

His services in the church
1- Bible study meeting.
2- Preparatory school meeting.
3- Graduate youth meeting.
4- Deacons meeting.


