My Minn. Viking Page

Me and My Sports

Family Photos

Logan Rosing's Sport Site


Click to hear ME!!
Hi, My name is Logan Rosing. I live on the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska. The sports I like that you will see are snowboarding, basketball, soccer, and football. I got help on this Web page by a man named Gene Chambers.

I go to Mountain View Elementary. My mom and dad went to Las Vegas on vacation while I stay at Gene & Helen's house and Aunt Nancy on school days. My sister Shelby is at my brother's house with two babies. I have a dog named Girl and a cat named Lilly.

On the following pages you will see pictures of me snowboarding and pictures of my autographed John Randle picture of the Minnesota Vikings, there will be pictures of me playing basketball, soccer, football, and indoor soccer.

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� 2000 - Logan M. Rosing - All Rights Reserved