"Just Play the Game!"


GM of the Year
(GM who wins most regular season games)
1997 - Dan Wayton, Dawgs, 10-4
1998 - John Leuzinger, UC Gridstars, 10-4
1999 - John Leuzinger, UC Grudstars, 10-4
2000 - Tie
- Dan Busi, Sharks, 11-3-0
- Pee Wee, Air Force Sucks, 11-3-0

Player of the Year
(Single player who scores most points for the season)
1997 - Brett Favre, UC Gridstars, 300pts, 13 games
1998 - Steve Young, Nighthawks, 387pts, 13 games
1999 - NA
2000 - Peyton Manning, Kashyyk Wookies, 344.1pts, 13 Games