ont l'honneur de vous inviter lundi, le 3 mai a partir de  18h dans le Studio  "Mihail Jora" ,  Nardi et Mercredi - 4 et 5
Mai  a partir de  18 h dans le studio  "Alfred Alessandrescu",  a
la III -eme Edition du  Festival International  de la Musique Electroacoustique et Assistée par ordinateur
"ACOUSMANIA 2004" -  un Grand Evenement international.

 6 Concerts, 2 master-class, 60 compositeurs , 65 oeuvres, 35 créations,  solistes et ensembles de grand prestige, seront
presents en parallele avec de la danse experimentale,  des installations, de la performance de  sculpture live, computer
video art, filmes, expozitions. Un  veritable regal d'art  vivant.

Voici le Programme detalié du Festival


A C O U S M A N I A  2004


The International Festival of Electronic and Computer Music
(Third Edition)

Directeurs artistiques et fondateurs / Artistic Directors and Founders:

Ana-Maria AVRAM

Clarisse CLOZIER ( France), Lisa CELLA (USA), Tim HODGKINSON ( UK), Robert REIGLE (USA), Morris
PALTER (USA), Cornelia PETROIU, Ioan-Marius LACRARU, Ion GHITA, Emil VISENESCU,  Ladislau

IMEB (Bourges,France)
NOISE Ensemble (USA), HYPERION Ensemble

coregrafie si interpretare : Madalina MECHENICI, Diana FERENCZ, Carmen PETRESCU, Madalina GHITULESCU,
Mihaela DUNGA, Nadica STROJIC, Raluca POPA

VisualArtPerformance: Raluca GHIDEANU & Ana-Maria POP

Multumiri consilierilor artistici ce au contribuit la elaborarea acestui program:
Thanks to the artistic contributors to this program and to the selection of works :
Harry HALBREICH (Bruxelles)
Françoise BARRIÈRE (Bourges)
L'Institut International de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges
Radu STAN (Paris)
GRM - (INA) Radio France
Daniel TERUGGI (Paris)
Christian  ZANESSI (Paris)
Jean-Paul DESSY (Bruxelles)
Victor ESKENASY (Praga)
Costin CAZABAN (Paris)
Horatiu RADULESCU (Montreux)
ART ZOYD (Maubeuge)
CCMIX (Centre de Création Musicale Iannis Xenakis)  Paris
Gérard PAPE (Paris)
Ars Electronica - ORF Linz
ORF Wien
Casa de Discuri /The CD Label "OR Some Computer Music"
ReR Megacorp - London
LMC (London Musicians' Collective) - London & BBC Radio 3
THE WIRE -London
G.M.V.L (Groupe  Musiques  Vivantes Lyon)

Multumiri pentru sprijinul acordat / Thanks for their support to :
Institutul Francez, Bucuresti / French Institute Bucharest
U.N.A.T.C.  "I. L.Caragiale"
Parteneri Media / Media Partners:

Sponsorizat de / sponsorized by Pro HELVETIA România

Luni, 3 Mai ora 18 / Monday, May 3, 18.00
Studioul de Concerte / Concert Hall  "Mihail Jora"
Deschiderea Festivalului / Inauguration of the Festival

Academician Cornel TARANU, Iancu DUMITRESCU, compozitor

Primul concert / First Concert

 Institutul International de Muzica Electronica din Bourges /
The International Institute of Electronic Music Bourges

Solisti /soloists :  Lisa CELLA (flaute /flutes) (USA), Morris PALTER (percutie / percussion) (USA), Cornelia
PETROIU (viola/ viola), Tim HODGKINSON (clarinet, clarinet bas )(Anglia / UK), Robert REIGLE
(saxofon/saxophone) (USA)

Christian CLOZIER  "Par Pangloss Gymnopède" (p.a.)
pentru banda / for tape (Romanian premiere)

Alain SAVOURET  "Le bois de la Goinfre" (p.a.)
pentru viola si banda / for viola and tape (Romanian premiere)
Solist / soloist : Cornelia PETROIU

Yves COFFY  "Tentations Gazeuses" (p.a.)
pentru banda / for tape (Romanian premiere)

Yves PRIN  "Mobile" (II B) (p.a.a.)
pentru flaute, percutie si banda / for flutes, percussion and tape (World premiere)
Solisti / soloists: Lisa CELLA, Morris PALTER

Pierre BOESWILLWALD "Comme un léger glissement" (p.a.)
pentru banda / for tape (Romanian premiere)
Tim HODGKINSON "Fighting / Breathing"
pentru clarinet si banda / for clarinet and tape
Solist/ soloist: Tim HODGKINSON

Sten HANSON  "Cinq roches dans la rivière" (p.a.)
pentru flaut si banda /  for flute and tape (Romanian premiere)
Solista / soloist:  Lisa CELLA

pauza / interval

Schita de portret /  a composer's portrait sketch
  Françoise BARRIÈRE
Solista / soloist : Clarisse CLOZIER
"Dessus la mer" (p.a.)
muzica electronica/electronic music (Romanian premiere)

"Les parfums dans le soir" (p.a.)
poeme si muzica electronica/ poems and electronic music (Romanian premiere)

pauza / interval

Luni, 3 Mai ora 20.30 / Monday, May 3, 20.30
Studioul de Concerte / Concert Hall  "Mihail Jora"
Al doilea concert / Second Concert

NOISE Ensemble
Ansamblul HYPERION / HYPERION  Ensemble
Solisti / soloists : Lisa CELLA (flaute / flutes) (USA) , Tim HODGKINSON  (clarinet) (Anglia / UK), Morris
PALTER (percutie / percussion) (USA), Robert  REIGLE (saxofon / saxophone) (USA)

GROB " Solo" (p.a.)
pentru banda/for tape (Romanian premiere)

Tim HODGKINSON "Watching into a hard stone" (p.a.a.)
pentru instrumente si sunete asistate de ordinator / for instruments and computer assisted sounds (world premiere)
Thomas LEHN "Die Klangraumer" (p.a.)
pentru sunete electronice si sintetizoare analogice / for electronic sounds and analogic synthetizers (Romanian

Ana-Maria AVRAM  "Flamme" (p.a.a.)
pentru  viole, violoncel,  contrabasi si sunete asistate de ordinator / violas, cello, doublebasses and computer assisted
sounds (World premiere)
HYPERION Ensemble:  Cornelia PETROIU, Ioan-Marius LACRARU, Dan JOITOIU, Ion GHITA, Dinu

Curtis ROADS "Sculptor" (p.a.)
pentru sunete  de computer/ for computer sounds (Romanian premiere)

Iancu DUMITRESCU  "Fulminations" (p.a.a.)
pentru pian preparat, instrumente si sunete asistate de ordinator/ for prepared piano, instruments and computer assisted
sounds (World premiere)
Solisti/soloists: Morris PALTER, Tim HODGKINSON, Robert REIGLE Ansamblul HYPERION / HYPERION
Ensemble: Cornelia PETROIU, Ioan-Marius LACRARU, Emil VISENESCU, Matei TEODORESCU, Orban GÖDRI,
Alexandru STURZU, Petru TEODORESCU,  Ciprian GHITA

PHOENICIA " Brownout: Non Specific Acoustic" (p.a.)
pentru banda/for tape (Romanian premiere)

Mika TAANILA  "A Physical Ring"  (p.a.)
muzica electronica / electronic music (Romanian premiere)

Octav NEMESCU "Saecula Saeculorum"
muzica electronica / electronic music

Luni, 3 Mai ora 11-14, Marti, 4 Mai ora 11-14
Atelier Muzical sustinut de Dna Françoise BARRIÈRE : Institutul International de Muzica Electronica din Bourges
Monday, May 3, Tuesday May 4, from11.00 - to 14.00
Musical workshop: Françoise BARRIÈRE form Bourges International Institute of Electronic Music (IMEB) France

în program/ pogramme
Christian CLOZIER "Quasars" (p.a.)
muzica electronica /electronic music (Romanian premiere)

Iancu DUMITRESCU " La Dérive de l'Ordre au Désordre" (p.a.a.)
muzica asistata de computer / computer assisted music (World premiere)

Octav NEMESCU " Lacul Lacrimilor" (p.a.a.) (fragment dintr-o muzica ambientala infinita  / fragment from an infinite
ambiental music)
muzica asistata de computer / computer assisted music (World premiere)

Marti, 4 Mai ora 18 / Tuesday May 4, 18.00
Studioul de Concerte / Concert Hall  "Alfred Alessandrescu"

Concertul Ansamblului "NOISE" NOISE Ensemble Concert (USA)
Lisa CELLA (flaute / flutes)
Morris PALTER (percutie / percussion)

Christian ZANESSI "Les mots de Stockhausen" (p.a.)
muzica electronica / electronic music  (Romanian premiere)

Kaija SAARIAHO "Noa Noa" (p.a.)
pentru flaut si sunete asistate de computer / for flute and computer sounds (Romanian premiere)

Matthew BURTNER "Broken drum" (p.a.)
pentru percutie si banda / for percussion and tape  (Romanian premiere)

Jean-Claude RISSET  "Elementa" (III) "Aer" (p.a.)
pentru instrumente si sunete asistate de ordinator/for instruments and  computer assisted sounds  (Romanian premiere)
Ana-Maria AVRAM "Labyrinthe Intérieur " (p.a.a.)
pentru flaut, percutie si sunete asistate de computer/ for flute, percussion and computer sounds (World premiere)

Javier ALVAREZ "Temazcal" (p.a.)
pentru percutie si banda / for percussion and tape  (Romanian premiere)

Robert ROWE "Flutter" (p.a.)
pentru flaut si computer / for flute and computer part  (Romanian premiere)

Barry MOON "Articulations" (p.a.a.)
penru flaut, percutie si banda / for flute, percussion and tape (World premiere)

Ulpiu VLAD "Rezonoante pe fond rosu" / "Resonances on a red backround" (p.a.a.)  / pentru flaut, percutie, pian si
sunete asistate de ordinator /for flute, percussion, piano and computer assisted sounds (World premiere)

pauza / interval

Marti, 4 Mai ora 20 / Tuesday May 4, 20.00
Studioul de Concerte / Concert Hall  "Alfred Alessandrescu"
al doilea concert / Second Concert

Performances, Installations, Extravagances

Alexandra SALINAS /Aeron BERGMAN "Revisionland" (p.a.)
pentru banda/ for tape  (Romanian premiere)

Florian HECKER "Y-Gwaot Phase Inv" & "Based-Polarisation-Modulated" (p.a.a.) pentru sintetizoare analogice si
digitale / for analogic and digital synthetizers (world premieres)
Visual Art Performance: Raluca GHIDEANU & Maria POP

Francisco LÓPEZ  "Buildings" (p.a.)
muzica electronica / electronic music  (Romanian premiere)

Sorin LERESCU "Tempero"
pentru clarinet, percutie si banda / for clarinet, percussion and tape
Solisti / soloists : Emil VISENESCU, Alexandru STURZU

Alper MARAL "Alp" & "SHO" (p.a.)
pentru sintetizoare/for synthetizers  (Romanian premiere)

Mihaela VOSGANIAN  "Sogni tra suoni"
pentru instrumente si sunete electronice / for instruments and electronic sounds
Soliste/ soloists : Mihaela VOSGANIAN, Irinel ANGHEL

Christopher DeLAURENTI "DFW" (p.a.a.)
pentru sunete asistate de ordinator /for computer assisted sounds (world premiere)
VisualArtPerformance: Raluca GHIDEANU & Maria POP

Irinel ANGHEL "Enigmes" (p.a.a.)
pentru chitara elecrica, live electronics si banda/ for electric guitar, live electronics and tape (World premiere) Solista /
soloist : Irinel ANGHEL

Roland BREITENFELD "Oteth" (p.a.a.)
o compozitie pentru obiecte metalice si electronica / a composition for metal objects and electronics (World premiere)
Visual Art Performance: Raluca GHIDEANU & Maria POP

Daniel TERUGGI "Images Symphoniques "(p.a.)
pentru sunete asistate de ordinator / for computer assisted sounds (Romanian premiere)

Pascale CRITON  " Objectiles" (p.a.)
pentru patru chitare acustice acordate în sfert de ton / for four acoustic guitars tuned in 1/4 tone (Romanian premiere)
VisualArt Performance: Raluca GHIDEANU  & Maria POP

Chris ARRELL  "REEL" & "A" is for Andiamo" (p.a.a.)
muzica electronica, comanda a Festivalului ACOUSMANIA / electronic music, a commission  of ACOUSMANIA
International Festival (World premiere)
Mehmet Can ÖZER "Subjective Truth "
muzica electronica/ electronic music
VisualArt Performance: Raluca GHIDEANU  & Maria POP

Miercuri, 5 Mai ora 18 / Wednesday May 5, 18.00
Studioul de Concerte / Concert Hall  "Alfred Alessandrescu"
Primul Concert / First Concert

 Concertul Ansamblului HYPERION / HYPERION Ensemble Concert

Cornelia PETROIU, Ladislau CSENDES, Ioan-Marius LACRARU (viola, vioara / viola, violin ), Emil VISENESCU,
Matei TEODORESCU (clarinet), Dan JOITOIU (violoncel / cello), Ion GHITA, Dinu PETRACHE, Ciprian GHITA
(contrabas / doublebass), Orban GÖDRI (fagot / bassoon), Constantin BURDUN (trombon / trombone), Florin
SPERNEAC (oboi /oboe), Alexandru STURZU, Ana-Maria AVRAM, Petru TEODORESCU (pian, percutie / piano,

Solisti / Soloists : Tim HODGKINSON (UK), Robert REIGLE (USA)

Petru TEODORESCU "Spectrograme" (p.a.a.)
pentru instrumente si banda / for instruments and tape (World premiere)

Costin CAZABAN  "Calam" (p.a.a.)
pentru ansamblu si banda /for ensemble and tape (World premiere)

Cornel TARANU "Crisalida" (III) (p.a.a.)
pentru ansamblu si banda /for ensemble and tape (World premiere)

Horatiu RADULESCU "Eterno"  (II) (p.a.a.)
pentru banda, pian preparat si percutie / for tape, prepared piano and percussion (World premiere)

Robert REIGLE "GeneMusicLanguagePeople" (II) (p.a.a.)
pentru instrumente si banda / for instruments and tape (World Premiere)

Costin MIEREANU "Dans la nuit des temps"
pentru percutie si surse electronice / for percussion and electronics

Chris CUTLER "Signal 66" (p.a.)
pentru  percutie si sunete electronice / for percussion and electronic sounds (Romanian premiere)

Iancu DUMITRESCU "Medium Princeps" (p.a.a.)
pentru viola si sunete asistate de ordinator / for viola and computer assisted sounds ( World premiere)
Solista / soloist : Cornelia PETROIU

John CAGE "Aria cu Fontana Mix"
pentru  ansamblu  si sunete electronice /for ensemble and electronic sounds

Miercuri, 5 Mai ora 20.00 / Wednesday May 5, 20.00
Studioul de Concerte / Concert Hall  "Alfred Alessandrescu"
Al doilea Concert / Second Concert

Omagiu lui Iannis XENAKIS si studioului  UPIC
Tribute to Iannis Xenakis and UPIC studio

Iannis XENAKIS : "La Légende d'Eer" (p.a.)
muzica electronica / electronic music (Romanian premiere)

Stefan NICULESCU "Echos"
pentru vioara si banda / for violin and tape
Ioan-Marius LACRARU (vioara / violin)

Kasper TOEPLITZ "Demonology" (p.a.)
muzica asistata de ordinator / computer generated tape (Romanian premiere)
VisualArtPerformance: Raluca GHIDEANU & Maria POP

Tiberiu OLAH "Rime pentru relevarea timpului"
pentru vioara si banda/ vor violin and tape
Solist/soloist : Ladislau CSENDES

Gérard PAPE "Tantric Transformations"(p.a.)
pentru sunete asistate de ordinator/for computer assisted sounds (Romanian premiere) pe un film de/on a film by
Anatol VIERU "Muzica de Craciun" / "Christmas Music"
pentru vioara, pian si banda / for  violin, piano and tape
Ladislau CSENDES, Dolores CHELARIU

Andrei MAGALIE : "Apa si foc"
un film despre opera lui Ioan NEMTOI

Gérard  HOURBETTE "Petite messe pour l'usage des pharmaciens" (p.a.) muzica electronica / electronic music
(Romanian Premiere)
VisualArtPerformance: Raluca GHIDEANU & Maria POP

NB: O instalatie de sculptura în sticla si sunet de Ioan NEMTOI / Iancu DUMITRESCU, creata pentru ocazia
ACOUSMANIEI va fi expusa în holul central al Casei Radio

La intrarea în sala de concert si în pauze, pe parcursul celor trei zile de festival, se va prezenta muzica ambientala infinita
"Lacul Lacrimilor" de Octav NEMESCU

A Visual Art Installation of glass and sound signed Ioan NEMTOI / Iancu DUMITRESCU, created with the occasion
o ACOUSMANIA Third Edition will be exposed in the Central Hall of Radio House

At the entrance in the concert hall(s) and during the intervals, will be presented the infinite ambiental music "Lacul
Lacrimilor" by Octav NEMESCU