HBW Copyright Statement
As of August 2001
Ok. This is the most serious part of the page. If you read this and you dont understand it, basically it means... DON'T STEL MAH SHIT MAN!!!
Everything you see on this page, names, logos, designs etc I made or someone else who made it FOR me. If you steal it I will find your ass and then kick it. If I do find something of mine on your website I will go through the fallowing steps to remove it.
I will fisrt ask you to remove what you have stolen from your site. If you take it off nothing else happens and we can all go on with our lives. If not I will send you another warning and this time send you an exact link of where you stole something of mine and I will also send you a link of the exact url of where you put it on your site. I will also put your name and what you've stolen on the main page of the HBW.
If you want to be a stupid dumbass smart bitch and still keep my shit on your site I will call the cops and try to have your site taken down or suspended or something. I worked hard on this site and I don't wnat some asshole stealin' mah shit.
Now this does not mean you can't use mah shit. I'd be happy to let you use a picture or banner. BUT PLEASE ASK FIRST!!
You can do this by sending me an e-mail at [email protected]. But if you don't ask, things are bound to get ugly.
Please, don't steal anything on this site without asking. I Put a hell of a lot of work into this site.
©Copyrighted to HBW Productions- 2001