APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO DATE MY DAUGHTER NOTE: This application will be incomplete and rejected unless accompained by a complete financial statement, job history, lineage, and current medical report from your doctor.
a truck with oversized tires? Soon a waterbed? Yes sur.
tattoo? Yeah with your daughters name.
begins with a T or an A, discontinue and leave premises keeping your head low and running in a serpentine fashion is advised). Ummm…… forearm
I SWEAR THAT ALL INFORMATION SUPPLIED ABOVE IS FREE, AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE UNDER PENALTY OF DEATH, DISMEMBERMENT, NATIVE AMERICAN ANT TORTURE, CRUCIFIXION, ELECTROCUTION, CHINESE WATER TORTURE, RED-HOT POKER, AND HILLARY CLINTON KISS TORTURE. (this means sign your name, moron) Thank you for you interest. Please allow 4-6 years for processing. You will be contacted in writing if you are approved. Please do not call or write. (You probably can't anyway.) If your application is rejected two gentlemen wearing white ties and carrying violin cases will notify you(you might watch your back). |