Nef's House

Wow who knew that with one graphic and two lines of text you could make a webpage so crappy!


The fast Lane

Don't be fooled by the title, it takes about 15 minuets to download. Once downloaded though you can tell that you just wasted 15 minuets of your life and will stay at the page only to see if you can get it back. You can say that the guy who did this page is good with words just read this "Think about it. Year 0 (2000) is actually the last year of the old millennium - not the first year of the new millennium!" Wow, why didn't I think of that… oh yeah that's right I'm not a moron. It really doesn't take 15 minuets to load.


Todd's Kite and Dodge Neon Page

This page combines the action and excitement of kite flying with some Dodge Neon photos. It does all this with graphics that hurt to look at. Okay this guy owns a 1997 Dodge Neon with a spoiler and he thinks he's the king of the road. Of course this guy can't be single, he is married to some sort of woman. I would have to call this a feel good page because after you go there you feel so good that your not this guy.