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TO ALL CONCERNED Certain text files and messages contained on this site deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The webmasters of this site do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our text files and message bases are for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact your local law enforcement officials before undertaking any project based upon any information obtained from this or any other web site. We do not guarantee that any of the information contained on this system is correct, workable, or factual. We are not responsible for, nor do we assume any liability for, damages resulting from the use of any information on this site.

Escaping From a Pursuit......
Before you plan to do mischief it it wise to plan out how you will escape. If you have a partner(s) plan a meeting point in case you are separated(it IS wise to split up I'll get to that later.) Suburbs are by far the easiest place to shake off a pursuer. You will get by by running through backyards and hiding in sheds. In busy cities you can run through clogged up traffic and through office buildings. They key in any case is to dart around buildings trees and just about anywhere.

The best escape I have made yet is when me and 3 other friends decided to throw snowballs at cars. It was in the spring and there was extremely little snow. Anyway there was a small field with forest behind it and then the 500 to 1000 homes that made up the suburb of R.M. We stood behind a barbed wire fence that was in the ditch of a highway where to get to us in a vehicle you have to drive 50 meters around the fence. We were throwing snowballs at cars for about 10 minutes when a car put on the brakes and we bolted into the forest. My friend who I will call D then yelled out he didn't stop which is when we walked back to the fence and then a truck pulled around the fence and started to drive towards us. Me, T, J and D legged it. T tried to pick his bike up which was hidden! And run at the same time, J followed him and they were caught right then. I bolted around one side of a house in the trees and D around the other. Me and D were the toughest so we wouldn't stop. I lost D but kept running through backyards because I thought that the pursuer would look for me in his truck, which I later found out he did. I ran hard for about 1 km whick is along way to sprint. I ran to my friend Ms house. He wasn't there so I hid in his front yard in the trees for him. No later than 2 minutes did he come at which point I used his phone to arrange for a ride home (I lived 10km away) I told my mom I used the washroom at Ms. The other two had an "interrogation" in the community center where J told my name! T and J got a warning and next time we are caught we are charged $50.

The lessons learned in this were.

-NEVER give up...you dont know how bad the punishment could be, people are suing for the DUMBEST reasons.

-If you aren't fit your chances of escape decrease/

-Suspect the worse.

-Run don't walk, however if the situation calls for it act normal.

-If you are caught which you shouldn't, have an alibi.

-Don't give your buddies info to whoever your caught by.

Note : There will be many more of these cool stuff in the incoming updates ........

To all My friendly Visitors.....

Yo people If u Have any more of these cool & fun stuff please submit it to us so we can publish it in this website for all the visitors fun sake & to Keep this cool site running. To submit any thing u want, please check the contact section or Click Here

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