Pele was one of the best if not the best player of all time. He scored over 1000 goals in his career. 1281 goals to be exact. He scored a famous bycicle kick goal. He once shot from half field when he noticed the goalkeeper was out of goal then booom!!! The ball went over the keeper and missed the goal by inches. Pele was born in a town called "Tres Coracaos" or 3 hearts in english. Pele played with Brazil for 4 world cups. In 1958 Brazil won in 1962 Brazil won in 1966 Pele got injured in the second match against portugal and Brazil lost and in 1970 Brazil won.
Name: Manuel Francisco dos Santos
Postion: Right Winger
Birthplace: Pa� Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Clubs he played for: Corinthians (Brazil) Flamengo (Brazil) Olaria (Brazil) and Botafogo (Brazil)
How Garrincha played: Garrincha was one of the greatest players in the History of Soccer. He was an excelent dribbler and a fast player. With his crooked legs he could fool any defender. Garrincha played 581 games for Botafogo and scored 232 goals. In Garrincha's 3 World Cups he scored 5 goals for the Brazilian National Team. He died in 1983 at the age of 50 because he drank too much alcohol and got Liver Cancer. He wore shirt number 7 and 11. Garrincha played mostly for Botafogo. He stopped playing early in 1967 because he had a problem with on his legs.
Name: Jair Ventura Filho
Postion: Forward
Birthplace: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Clubs: Botafogo (Brazil), Cruzeiro (Brazil), Olympique of Marseille (France), Portuguesa de Acar�gua (Venezuela), Fast (U.S.A) e Wilstermann (Bolivia).
How Jairzinho played: Jairzinho was a good dribbler a great shooter.
Jairzinho used to be called by fans, "Hurricane" because he was a very fast player. Jairzinho played 87 matches for the Brazilian National Team and scored 44 goals for the Brazilian National Team.
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