All of the official websites to the Spanish clubs are in English, news sections, history and so on, but a large part of the sites to some of the teams are in Spanish only, tickets informations squad stats etc, so below is some glossary to help you out if you are looking for something specific.

Anthem - Himno
Assistant (to manager etc) - Ayudante
Champion - Campeón
Champions League - Liga de Campeones
Coach, manager - Entrenador
Competition - Competición
Contract - Contrato
Corner kind - Corner (saque de esquina)
Crossbar - Travesaño
Cup - Copa
Cup Winners Cup - Recopa de Europa
Defender - Defensa
Doctor - Médico
European Cup - Copa de Europa (former name of Champions' League)
Extra time - Prórroga
First division - Primera División
First leg - Ida
Forward - Delantero
Game, match - Partido
Goal - Gol
Goal scorer - Goleador
Goalkeeper - Portero
Goalpost - Poste
Group - Grupo
History - Historia
Home ground - Casa, Equipo de casa
Injury time - Tiempo de descuento, Descuento
Kings Cup - Copa del Rey (Spanish FA CUP)
League - Liga
League position - Clasificación
Line-up - Alineación
Loan - Cesión
Midfielder - Centrocampista, Medio
On loan - Cedido
Page - Página
Penalty kick - Penalti
Player - Jugador
Preliminary - Preliminar
Preseason - Pretemporada
Promotion - Promoción, Ascenso
Referee - Arbitro
Relegation - Descenso
Result - Resultado
Round - Ronda
Season - Temporada
Second leg - Vuelta
Scoreboard - Marcador
Shirt, jersey - Camiseta
Shirt number - Dorsal
Signing (of a player) - Fichaje
Squad - Plantilla
Stadium - Estadio
Suspension - Sanción
Suspended - Sancionado
Substitute - Sustituto
Team - Equipo
Team emblem - Escudo
The Spanish Super Cup - Supercopa
Throw-in - Saque de banda
Transferred - Traspasado
Transfer - Traspaso
Tribute - Homenaje
Trophy - Trofeo
Uniform, kit - uniforme
Update - Revisión

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