This secret page has been found times, since 7th July 1998


So you found my secret page. I've put all the pictures I've done
and haven't shown on any of my other pages on here. If you want to take
them feel free. Please don't link to images on my homepages, please download them
onto your drive by clicking on the image with the right mouse button and
saving it from there.

I would appreciate it if you would add a link to my page from your page
using the button at the bottom of the page. Thankyou.

Keep visiting, I will be updating it regularly!

This is a background gif. Click on it with your left mouse button to see what it looks like as a background. It will be shown in a new window.
another background
This is a background gif. Click on it with your left mouse button to see what it looks like as a background. It will be shown in a new window.
and another background
This is a background jpg. Click on it with your left mouse button to see what it looks like as a background. It will be shown in a new window.
and yet another background
This is a background gif. Click on it with your left mouse button to see what it looks like as a background. It will be shown in a new window.

well would you look at that! It's a line!

another line

and another line

Oh, wow, an animated line

bit like the last one really

This is a bit different

If you stare at it for long enough you're eyes will pop out more eyepopping smaller but more of the same
These are the same but the second is less confusing and the last, is a much smaller file.

it's a button

all this belongs to this funny little guy!