by Kit C.

Intro: Confusion

True love is what makes life worth living.
A love untrue makes life miserable.

I'll never forget my "first love". My heart still jumps somewhere in my throat everytime I see him. I'm not sure if it's normal to feel like that. But what really is normal anyways? I suppose normal is what everyone supposedly does. Some of my friends are in new relationships every week; is that normal?

I don't know. A year ago, I thought I knew everything I needed to know about life. Then I started getting in relationships. Now I'm more confused than I've ever been before.

Part 1: "The Boyfriend Swap"

We related on the level that our
lost loves found eachother...

There was something between me and Adam that words can't explain. He was another girl, Belinda, but there was still a strange attraction between us. Like he knew he'd have me, no matter what.

My faith in guys was at an all-time low. It had been five months since DJ and I broke up. I was over him, but I wasn't over getting cheated on. It was a messy break up, needless to say. Being cheated on is a funny thing. It makes you feel like you're not only not good enough for that person, you're not good enough for anyone.

A week after I met Adam, he and Belinda broke up. It all seemed so perfect. I could go out with Adam, and Belinda could go out with DJ. It was the great boyfriend swap.

What Adam and I hadn't planned on was Belinda and DJ falling in love. Adam and I had a relationship based on "getting back" at our exes. Bel and DJ were in love, in that "truly, madly, deeply" way that made Adam sick and me envious.