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Number 3 for Mr. Hodder. This part of the series begins a little differently than the others, Jason has already been resurrected and somehow made his way back to Crystal Lake, where he finds another "victim" in a cabin in the area. As per usual she disrobes as she prepares for a shower, (Oh the Suspense!!), unfortunately this chick is not ready to be slaughtered by our masked maniac and is actually a member of the FBI, she runs out into the woods and as Jason gives chase he finds himself in the middle of a firing squad. Unfortunately Jason meets his untimely demise and is blown to tiny little bits. His "body" is slopped into a body bag and rushed off to the morgue for examination. This is where we find out the true power of Jason Voorhees. The evil of Jason is not actually his body or his brain, its his heart, black as coal, filled with an evil force straight from hell. This force makes the doctor examining Jason's remains to take a big juicy bite of Jason's heart, it's pretty gross when you think about it, and suddenly Jason is back in action. If you don't know what Kane Hodder looks like without the mask, take a look at the morgue guards "Jason" slaughters as he leaves the morgue. One of them is Kane in a second role in the film. As the movie progresses we find out that Jason can only be truly killed by another Voorhees, however he can also be reborn through a Vorhees. As with the other movies I won't ruin the ending for those who haven't seen the movie.

Some Images From The Film

Jason9.jpg KaneIX.jpg relax.GIF

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