This chair was designed,    
and made in de first half   
of my first year.    
It was selected out of 60   
chairs and was displayed   
at Artifort Maastricht, Holland   
Puegeot 106 with 
suction cup roofrack
Astma inhalor
This inhalor is easy to use and
has a storage compartment
for 8 capsules. At your first
impression you wouldn't say
it's an inhalor, it looks more
like a colormarker. I desgned
this inhalor in the first half of
my second year
I designed this suction cup roofrack
in the second half of my first year
Ergonomic remote control    
This remote control is designed    
for a machinery factory, I designed 
this r.c. in my second year..... 


Portable Tele-organiser    
This is my current project, it's a .......... 
sketch of a portable telephone  
with an onboard organiser.  
The telephone has a touchpad which
can be operated either by pen 
or by finger.    


Designed in the first half of my second year 

Recumbent bike Light 
These lights are specially designed for  
recumbent bikes. With one battery  
charge the lights can burn over 25 hours.
The yellow/grey sides can be removed and 
replaced with other colors.

