Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs

Revive Me By Your Word
(Psa.119 9/1/99

1.Blessed are people of integrity
Who follow Your paths, trust Your laws
Blessed are those who make no compromises
Who walk in the light of Your ways

Open my eyes to Your Life-Giving Truths
Revive me by Your Word
Sweeter than honey is Your Word to my taste
Revive me by Your Word
A lamp for my feet, a light unto my path
Revive me by Your Word
Pure living water to satisy my soul
Revive me by Your Word

2. With all my heart I want Your blessings Lord
Fulfillment of all You promised
Truly Your Word is my heart's delight
My lips shall burst forth with Your praise

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Deb Okereke 1998-1999