In The News:
(1) Presidents Clinton and Putin talked at length about the U.S. building of a National Missle Defense System (can anyone say "Star Wars"?). The Russians didn't like it, but were very cordial about the whole thing. You know, it's weird that now, after the Cold War, that we feel we have to ask permission before doing something like this. Neither side asked permission when they built the thousands of nuclear missles that are aimed at the other's major cities. Oh, well.... let's hear it for the new world order. Let's all be friends and not blow each other to kingdom come, shall we? (San Antonio Express-News, June 5)
(2) The Portland Trailblazers rolled over like little poodles and gave the Western Conference to the L.A. Lakers. A lot of people are happy as pigs in mud about this. Not that I really care at this point who wins or looses the thing, but I really don't want L.A. to win.... Can you imagine what is going to happen if they do? All of those egoes are going to go critical mass and probably take out most of Southern California. (Yahoo! Sports)
(3) Elian Gonzalez will finally be sent back to Cuba to be with his father. It's about time. This country has a bad enough track record in refusing fathers' rights (don't get upset, I'm talking about the good ones), do we really have to enforce this on other countries? Obviously not. Thanks, Janet, you are a wise woman.... you aren't going to run for office, are you?
So let it be posted, so let it be done.