Random Rantings:

Ok, so I am a slacker. I know it's been more than a month since my last update. If you can name that Deadly Sin, you get a special prize from me....HADES!!

What is with people today? Does everyone think that their jobs are so vital to the American way of life that they are invaluable to society? Or, do they think they are the only person in the world who can do thier job so well that no one else has the capacity to even fathom their self-righteousness....I mean.... worldly contribution?

As far as I see it, there are three professions that have the right to make that distinction, in the following order.

First, Teachers. Without them, no other profession would be possible, everyone in the world would be a bumbling idiot clubbing their wives and eating elephant dung. Ironically, this most important profession is also the least valued in our society. What, did all of those senators, representatives, and school board members get set in the corner when they were in school. GET OVER IT!!! Shell out some money so these Educators can live!!!

The second place is a tie. Doctors are on one side. For, without them, we would all be dead right now. On the other side, plumbers. Think about it, where would you be right now without indoor plumbing. I don't know about you, but I would sooner do without electricity than running water.

So, to the rest of you, I'm sure your job is important to you, but it's not like you are teaching someone to read, curing cancer, or fixing a busted water main. Just go to work, collect your paycheck, pick up your copy of Playboy every month, and don't make others suffer for your pathetic existence.

OK, I made it to Albuquerque, what now?