Commonly Asked Questions about Cats

Question:Should cats drink milk everyday?
Answer:They like milk but they don't need milk to be properly nourished.

Question:Can cats get rabies?
Answer:Yes, cats can get rabies.

Question:Can indoor cats get diseases?
Answer:Cats are still exposed to germs that are carried through the air or brought in on a cat owner's shoes.

Question:Should pregnant women own cats?
Answer:It is ok for pregnant women to own cats but they should let a friend or another family member change the litter. There is disease called toxoplasmosis which is spread to humans through cats litter which can cause serious problems for unborn babies.
Kinds of Cat food Cat Chow Meow Mix Nine lives
Daily rituals of Cats washing eating sleeping
Best toys for cats teasers balls whatever they find
Hug your cat daily change it's litter talk to it love it

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