Our Calls

The "Crappy" Locker People The people here get some business
The Italian Answering Machine Joe Calls a pizza place and messes with there answering machine.
Operator Meet Phil Miaz The "FEEL MY ASS!" this is funny by Xtreme Dave
Who is this Sista? Dave Calls a little girl and claims to be her best friend.
I think i am hearing doubles Joe calls a company and turns on 3 way to connect to another operator at the same company!
Operator Meet Mr Testes Joe Calls another operator tell her name was TESS TICLE aka TESTICLE
Grandma stop hanging up on me Joe calls a black girl acting like he is her grandson and gets made casue she hangs up on him.
I think i am hearing doubles Part 2 Similar to the first one
Carpet Essentials Returning Your Call I call someone and get thier answering machine and I report that i am calling them back for cleaning thier carpet with SHIT STAINS and I give out a phony number.

Dont Hang Up.