Flags of Yore or its employees are in no way claiming validity or legitimacy to any coat of arms, family crest, clan badge, or other heraldic devices. Neither are we any authority on heraldry, coats of arms, family crests, or the like. Flags of Yore does strive to supply and manufacture coats of arms and family crests that were actually granted by official bodies, at one point in history, for each and every order that we recieve. Coats of arms and family crests were predominantly given to individuals only, and there is no guarantee at all that any particular coat of arms or family crest was in fact granted to any particular relative or lineage. At best Flags of Yore supplies alleged historical representations of one's ancestor's granted coat of arms or crest. At worst, Flags of Yore can be construed as entertainment.

Brent A. Jacobs
Flags of Yore


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