1.) Everyone can submit art.
2.) Each submitter shall be limited to three pieces per every two weeks. (it's hard to keep track, you know?)
3.) Every piece that the submitter submits WILL be posted (as long as it's GD swimsuitly            related and it's not like hentai-ish or stuff like that)
4.) You can make pics of ANY GD character you want, male or female, as many times as you want. (If ya' want, you can have 3 pics of Brianna, etc.)
5.) All images should be in either .gif or .jpg format, please.
6.) Also include and note any information you'd like to accompany your work. This includes desired artist name, e-mail address, web page address, or information about the work.

Send all images or addresses to previously posted images (preferred), to me at... [email protected]