General: All photos, etc. are used without permission of their creators
(who legally hold their respective copyrights). Where known, all photos
include credit information (and individuals with further information are
encouraged to submit it).

  1. The information presented here is simply collected from publicly aired
    and published sources. Most of the material presented here is available
    at on the internet and this site is in no way trying to infringe on the
    respective copyrights or businesses of these entities.
  2. All products, logos or names mentioned are registered trademarks or
    property of their respective companies and/or owners.
  3. No infringement of rights is meant or implied.
  4. No one in the universe but you are responsible or liable for any loss or damage,
    including but not limited to loss of profits, goodwill or indirect
    or consequential loss arising out of any use of or inaccuracies in any information on this site.
  5. All warranties express or implied are excluded to the fullest extent permissible by law.
  6. This page and this site are not a database or a data resource.
  7. The pictures where gathered on pages on the net and from various news groups. They
    had no copyright label on them and there were no statements on any of the pages that
    the pictures where copyrighted so they are believed to be public domain. If you have
    copyright protected pictures here, let me know and I will remove them ASAP.
  8. I am not being paid by any company or person for any advertisements or recommendations.
  9. If I have offended anyone I extend my apologies and hope that I will be notified promptly.
  10. If you find any copyrighted material, please send me an E-Mail so that I can contact the author.
  11. If you are the photographer of the photos or work for one of these or for a company,
    which owns the copyright and I have violated any
    copyright or distribution law please notify me and I will rectify immediately.
  12. I am not liable to the users of this service for the content, quality, performance or any
    other aspect of any information provided by or transmitted by this service or for any
    errors in the transmission of said information. Nor am I responsible to any person for
    any damages arising in any manner out of the use of this service.
  13. These pages are protected by United States and international copyright laws.