Poem of the Week
SEPTEMBER 28, 1997
The following poem was submitted by Kim Lavallee.  
                THE WAY OUT

            Close your eyes and shutthe world away, watch the dreams
            of yesterday dance upon the wind as
            they slowly take flight,
            Your destiny was unclear for so long
            a brilliant white light is shining
            ahead, there's no need to hold on
            Close your eyes and remember 
            the life that was given many years
            before, all the fight's gone from
            your tired body
            We've talked to the man who deals
            in life and death and it's clear
            there has never been a greater
            love than the one you've shared
            Close your eyes and shut the world 
            away, he'll release your pain and
            be the light that guides your way,
            the gates have opened and he
            awaits you upon this day,
            let the fear and pain drift
            away, follow the light to heaven's
            gate, Close your eyes and shut
            the world away
            Always and forever will we love you.
by Kim Lavalle
ZAZU copyright
This poem is copyrighted by Kim Lavallee.  You may not publish, in any manner, the contents of the above original work.
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