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Digex, Inc.
One Digex Plaza
Beltsville, MD 20705
Ashley Adams



Specialty Managing complex Web sites, Intranets, or Web-based enterprise systems
Platforms Windows NT and Unix
Partnerships DIGEX e-link partners:  integrators, interactive advertising agencies and full-service content developers
Strategic partners:  top tier Internet technology companies, including  Cisco, Compaq, Intel, Microsoft, Netscape, and Sun.   These partnerships enable DIGEX to deliver industry-leading Internet solutions, backed by a platform of world-class technologies.
Representative Customers NIKE, Kraft Foods, and American Century Investments



DIGEX is the market leader in managing complex Web sites, Intranets, Extranets, or Web-based enterprise system, with the best hardware and service available. DIGEX offers 100% dedicated servers, 24 x 7 service and support, and dedicated customer and technical support teams. DIGEX built and operates the largest dedicated server Web site management facilities in the world. That's why DIGEX today manages billions of dollars in Internet business for many leading companies- including NIKE, Kraft Foods, and American Century Investments.


The foundation of any successful Web initiative starts with right combination of hardware and software. That's why DIGEX  has invested millions of dollars to build the world's foremost NT and UNIX dedicated server platforms. DIGEX offers fully scalable NT and UNIX platforms that have been tuned, secured, tested and successfully implemented hundreds of times. Your company benefits from the industry's foremost intellectual capital on the world's two leading server and software platforms. But, DIGEX doesn’t just provide data center space; they have succeeded in delivering value-added services and expertise to optimize availability and efficiency. DIGEX provides more hands-on expertise and pro-active service/support than any other company to deliver added value to outsourced Internet infrastructure.


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