Fun Quizes!!!
Just answer the questions and make sure you keep track of your answers!
What Baby are you???
1.You study very hard for a 2.You are going down a 3.You are invited
Math test and you when hall when someone starts to a party but you
you get it back you get an making fun of you. you... promised a guy you'd
F! What do you do? a.Turn around and hit them see his band play.
a.Scream at your teacher b.Ignore them You...
b.Just study harder next time c.Tell on them a.Go to the party
c.Get your crush for a tutor d.Make fun of them too b.Go see the band
d.Skip Math class Play
c.That night you
run away from home
d.You dump the band
4.You remember a report 3.Your neopet is hungry and
that's due the next day and you have a bunch of neo-
it's almost 10:00 at night. You.. -points. You...
a.Give the teacher an excuse a.Ignore your pet
b.Stay up til midnight to do it b.Feed it
c.Run away c.Put it in the neolodge
d.Skip school and due it later d.Dump your pets
Mostly A's Mostly B's Mostly c's Mostly D's
You're a baby Tonu You're a baby Draik! You're a baby You're a baby Sc-
Many people look to You are very loving and Moehpg You're -orchio. You can
you for a laugh! Have lots of cute and cuddly be a real cutie
friends you may and sometimes get but sometimes a
not know if into mischief pain