I thank my lucky stars each and everyday
That god granted me with an aunt like you
You've been my rock to stand tall
I wouldn't want any other aunt but you
I know I never told you auntie dear
But I loved you like a mother
You told me of the birds and bee's
You even told me of the changes to my body
Just like a mother would have
You taught me of love
You even taught me how to deal with a lost
Auntie dear I hope to be just like you
I wouldn't change a single thing about you
Not even just alittle bit
I enjoy your sense of humour
Your warm smile that warms a heart
But you know whats so weird
I sometimes sense your pain to
Auntie dear auntie you know if i could i would
Rid you of that pest
Who doesn't appreicate you
The way others do
Just remember auntie dear I'll always loan you
an ear
For what is on your mind I promise to listen.
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