Transparency or solid colors:
Transparency means that the background color or image will show behind the name as it is being written.
Not all browsers support this format. The latest versions of Netscape and Internet Explorer do support transparencies. If you aren't sure whether or not yours does try the following test:
Right click on the image below and save it to your desktop. Next go to your email and click on whichever part of your toolbar will allow you to customize your outgoing email messages. Different browsers call it different things. Set it up so that you can use Rich text or HTML. Then follow the set up instructions to add the "gif" image you saved to your desktop. Now open a fresh message and see if it appears and works properly. These days most Browsers are upgrading to allow HTML encoded messages. If it doesn't work you will need to use a solid background to have your signature work.
Solid colors Black or White background means that your signature will appear written on a black or white rectangle over whatever other background color or image you are using. Choose white if you only use a white background.