
Choices made are kept as promises.
Things given up are stolen dreams.
Each night I lay down in my bedroom,
Silence reigning as my mind screams.
Chances passed up are fantasies gone;
One by one they drift far away
To some far-off, foreign, distant land
To find someone willing to play.
Floating softly, drifting off to sleep,
My mind enters that newfound place
That keeps me sane the following day
While I live life in this rat race.
So many things this life does offer
To those brave enough to move on.
How I wish to hell I was the one
Who didn't have to live this yawn.
And so with choices made for myself,
And chances forgotten by me,
I wake each day to find myself lost,
Lost and missing like ship at sea.

� Kathee Tschudy, February 17, 2000

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