Jewelry Pieces
Amethyst is usually associated with increased nobility, spiritual awareness, meditative and psychic abilities and inner peace. It is seen as one of the most important and powerful stones. It can help to open the crown and third eye chakras.
Clear Quartz
Quartz has have been shown scientifically to conduct energy. Quartz focus energy and can be used with clear intention and wisdom to enahnce the ability to direct your wishes into reality. They are also powerful aids in healing and meditation.
Smokey Quartz
Quartz has been shown scientifically to conduct energy. The differance between smokey quartz and clear quartz is smoley has some grounding attributes. Crystal points focus energy and can be used with clear intention and wisdom to enahnce the ability to direct your wishes into reality. They are also powerful aids in healing and meditation.
People have long believed golden yellow Citrine to be an enegizer, furthering prosperity, generosity and creative power. This is a stone to encourage self-confidence and charm with crowds. It is one of the best stones to balance the solar plexus.
$18.00 each
These stones are quite large and are all encased in sterling silver
(All prices INCLUDE! taxes, shipping and handling in continental United States.)
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