Clear Calcite Cluster
Clear Calcite Cluster
This is a wonderful specimen of Calcite and even has just a small tint
of pink in the hue of the rock. The crystals are well formed and and
have a flat bottom, so it will rest very nicely on a desk or shelf.
Clear Calcite is known for being attuned to the mental plane to help
assit in transmuting old thought patterns and beliefs. It is also said
to foster Spirituality, and often small pieces of Calcite are used on
both the 3rd Eye and Crown Chakras. Since this particular piece also
has just a tint of pink on it's underside, it would suggest that this
cluster would be an excellent guide in connecting Mind and Heart
Knowing. It's about 5 inches wide, 4 inches tall, and about 2 1/2
inches thick.
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