Happy Trails

Non-traditional Reiki Symbol for Assisting Transitioning Spirit




From Below to Above

Flows the Universal Love

Flows the Universal Love

Happy Travels

To the One


This symbol was anchored in on All Souls Day, 1998, by Stacie Coller Adams.

It is offered in Love and Service for All who wish to use it for the Greater Good.


Movement 1-2-3: You are starting at the bottom apex of one triangle in the Star of David. Draw the three lines creating the triangle in a clock-wise motion.

"From Below"

Movement 4-5-6: Start at the top apex of the up-facing triangle in the Star of David. Draw the three lines creating the triangle in a clock-wise motion.

"To Above"

Movement 7: Without removing your hand from the top apex of the up-pointing triangle, Spiral into the center three times.

"Flows the Universal Love"

Movement 8: Take hand from center and place back on top apex of up-pointing triangle. Going in a counter clock-wise motion pull a spiral out and around the Star of David coming up on the right hand side of symbol. In same movement make 3 small counter clock-wise loops heading upward and outward from the symbol.

"Flows the Universal Love"

Movement 9-10: Take hand from end of last line that should be brought out far enough from the loops to straighten out just a bit. Draw 2 semi-curved parallel lines in an 'up and out' motion on the top side of last line.


Movement 11-12: Repeat 2 semi-curved parallel lines in an 'up and out' motion on the bottom side of line from Movement 8.


Movement 13: Pat 3 times in front of the line from Movement 8. The last 'pat' should be a swift and quick swipe upward and outward.

"To The One"


Other Instructions:

You will notice that the symbol itself looks very much like a spirit taking flight. The two pairs of parallel semi-curved lines should look something like 'wings' and the dot that stands for the 3 pats upward and outward, looks like the head of a Being. The words that accompany the symbol are rhythmic and exactly match the movements.


Uses for the Symbol:

This symbol is to be used for anyone that is in the process of transitioning. They don't have to be at their death-bed to utilize the symbol. A Reiki Master can perform a "Happy Trails" attunement on anyone experiencing a life-threatening situation where death seems probable in the near future. Simply go through the Reiki Level 1 attunement process as usual, but add the "Happy Trails" symbol with the Master symbol and the Power Symbol. Also� pay special attention to make sure that this symbol is patted into the Heart, Throat, 3rd Eye, and Crown Chakras.

It is not necessary to tell the person that you are performing this type of attunement as long as you ask their Higher Self to 'accept it or not' as is in the Highest Good of the person involved. There will be some people that are comforted by knowing that they are being prepared, and some other people will find it terrifying. It is not necessary to terrify a person already having extreme difficulty with the idea of crossing over. The symbol is to help make that movement easier and more coherent, not to make their last days uncomfortable. At the time of departure the symbol in the auric field should become active.

Reiki Level 2 Practitioners can use the symbol as they would utilize other Reiki symbols. If the person can be worked on directly, use the symbol in conjunction with the Power symbol as you would to initiate the Emotional Healing symbol. Calming, soothing sub-conscious statements about a harmonious passage, calling to Guides for help, and going to the light can also be added. Again, the person does not have to be on his/her death bed to begin adding this symbol to their energy. It will also assist the person in becoming more peaceful with the process.

Distance Reiki: Both Masters or Level 2's can initiate a distance healing session by anchoring in the person and using the symbol during the session. Again, pay special attention to opening the Upper Chakras, especially the Crown-- as this is the chakra that the Spirit normally takes it's flight out. The 3rd Eye should also be worked on and vitalized because this will assist the Spirit to retain memory of "Self" in a coherent way. This will assist in making the transition less confusing and difficult.

Distance Attunements: Reiki Masters can anchor a person in, as if for a regular distance Reiki session� and then attune a proxy doll or pillow with Reiki Level 1 and the Happy Trails Symbol.


Happy Trails Reiki Grid

Special help can also be obtained from the Mineral Kingdom. You can set up Reiki Grid to keep sending remote energy for a smooth Transition. Reiki Grids, in general, are set up in the figure of a 6-pointed star with an additional stone in the middle to connect the energy. This can certainly be used to maintain a constant loving flow of this symbol to any person in need. Get a small poster board and draw the symbol in Purple or Gold. Arrange the outer stones at the points of the two triangles, and the center stone at the middle of the inward spiral. Reiki Masters can attune the stones with all the Reiki Symbols, which will assist the stones in constantly emitting Reiki energy without having to charge it on a daily basis. Reiki Level 2's will have to charge the grid daily as with other grids.

Suggested stones include: Amethyst, Angelite, Crystal Points, Lapis, Moldavite, Moonstone, and Rose Quartz. The stones in the grid should be of the same type of whatever you most resonate to use. Moldavite would be a particularly beneficial stone because it's main energy is for transformation and connection with the Celestial Realm. (However, it is the most costly as well.) An Isis Crystal point (5-pointed face crystal) or Selenite Wand would make excellent energy connectors for the grid.


To construct your own Grid, you will need:

7 of the same type stone for the 6 points of the Star and the central stone

1 Energy Connector Stone to 'draw' the grid into activation

1 Purple or Gold Marker

1 Piece of Poster Board, white, black, purple, or deep blue

Once the grid is in place, you may place a piece of paper with the persons name on it inside of the Star area� or, better yet, place a photo of the person inside there. You may place many pictures inside of the grid to send out the energy to more than one person. Make sure that you activate the grid by drawing the lines between the stones with the 'pointer' or 'connector' point or Selenite Wand.

You may find that the family members of the people about to Transition will be more likely to ask for you to add their loved ones into the grid. Please do this without exception. Also, and additional Reiki Grief Grid can be constructed using Apache Tears to assist family members deal with the Transition of a loved one. The same symbol can be used, or the regular 6-pointed star without the added Happy Trails symbol can be used.


Coming Soon�. The Plant Kingdom Helpers




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