. Belongs
to lister Tana " NIKO'S STORY"
My name is Niko and I'm a black mini. My Dad bought me for my Mom from a
pet store on 12/26/96. I was an after Christmas present. My Mom had seen
me and mentioned me to my Dad, she never expected him to buy me for her.
Boy was she surprised. She cried all over me like a baby. You see she
had fell in love with me at first sight, when she saw me at the pet
store. I only weighed 2 1/4pnds. I was very small but so very healthy.
But when I got to be about a year, I started having problems keeping my
food down. I would throw up and sometimes not want to eat. I started
loosing weight. My Mom took me to the vet and her diagnosis was a liver
shunt. They did surgery the 21st of May 1998 at UC Davis in
California. My surgery went great. My Mom and Dad got to see me on
the 22nd. Boy was I glad to see them, I gave them all kind's of kisses
and they had lot's of hug's and kisses for me. I had seizure's that
night and inhaled my vomit and ended up in I.C.U with pneumonia and
other complication's. I was on all kind's of medication's for my
seizure's and machines to help me breath. I was in a coma for 3 day's.
They tried to take me off the meds but I would have more seizure's. So
my Mom and Dad finally had to make the decision to send me to the
rainbow bridge on May 25th. It was the hardest thing in the world for my
Mom to do. But she also knows it was the bravest thing she's ever done.
I know how hard this was on her and I also know it's still hard to this
day. She now refers to me as her Angel, with fur and four leg's.
Well everyone this is my story and I miss my Angel Baby everyday. I
wouldn't change anything we did for Niko except the outcome, but that's
not reality. We all learned a very hard lesson, BUY FROM A REPUTABLE