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"Top Ten Signs You Are Waaaaaay Too Into Your Comics"
by Carl.

These are the top ten signs you are waaaaaay too into your comics:

10. You, in your Gambit screenname, insist on flirting with that girl with the Rogue screenname (because, as you say, "Gambit and Rogue are meant to be together, chere!").

9. You take a vow never to touch another person in honor of your favorite character.

8. You are caught jumping off your bed while throwing playing cards at the dog.

7. Whenever it rains, you yell to the sky asking for Storm to stop.

6. Whenever you fail a test, you insist that it was Mystique who had taken your test for you and purposely did poorly.

5. You insist that there actually is a Genosha and beg your travel agent to book you on a flight there.

4. Whenever the power goes out, you assume Magneto has unleashed an EM wave across the world.

3. You talk into the gutter hoping to strike up a conversation with Marrow.

2. You tie your feet to the ceiling fan and read your chemistry book while uttering, "Oh my stars and garters!" every time you learn something new.

And the number one sign you are way too into comics is....

1. You walk around school saying "Bamf" in hopes you'll end up back in your bed at home.

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