Cosmic Stuff
This part of my site has "cosmic" stuff. I couldn't find another
word that would describe it. It has astrology, numerology, you get the
idea. I can't guarantee if any of these stuff are right, because the
information is taken out of somewhere else. All materials are copyrighted!
I, myself, don't know anything about these stuff. Although, it is quite
scary when I have a dream that later comes true. I don't know about
you, but a lot of these stuff are true about me. But, I think I have
a split personality between Pisces (my sun sign) and Leo (my rising
sign). These "cosmic" stuff will be updated! I have a lot of stuff
on astrology, numerology, hand-writing analysis, etc., so it's practically
impossible to type them all at one time. So keep coming back! Thanx!
Magic Tables
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Created by Ella Gallagher on Jan. 8, 1998
Copyright 1998 [Ella Galllagher]. All rights reserved.