Ordered Lists

      This exercise is to demonstrate my being able to put ordered lists on my web page. In this page, I am going to make a list and show that I have an understanding of how to make lists using html.

My favorite sports in order of importance to me:
  1. Football
  2. Baseball
  3. Karate/Tae Kwon Do
  4. Basketball

My favorite sports teams in order of importance to me:
  1. Miami Dolphins (NFL)
  2. Chicago Cubs (MLB)
  3. Carolina Gamecocks (all sports)
  4. Chicago Bulls (NBA)
  5. Chicago Enforcers (XFL)

My least favorite sports teams in order from the most hated:
  1. Clemson Tigers (any sport)
  2. San Fransisco 49ers (NFL)
  3. Atlanta Braves (MLB)
  4. Huston Astros (MLB)

My favorite stadiums in order of importance:
  1. Wrigley Field (Chicago)
  2. Pro Players Stadium/Joe Robbie Stadium (Miami)
  3. Williams Brice Stadium (Columbia)
  4. Erickson Stadium (Charlotte)

My least favorite stadiums:
  1. Death Valley (Clemson)
  2. Three Com Park (San Fransisco)
  3. Turner field (Atlanta)
  4. Veterans Stadium (Philadelphia)