Use our banner and put it on
your website and link it to us
Visit the super graffiti web site. The mother of graffiti art!
Welcome to my Graffiti Art web
page! I have lots of graffiti are that I get from some of my friends
some that I go around and take pictures of. I have a section of art I do
on both computer and wall, paper, etc... anyways just check out everything
and hope that you can help me out by submitting your own art work. If you
send me more that 5 art pieces I'll give you your own section on the photo
bar. Hope you help me out. Peace out peepz. Oh yea one other thing most of
the pictures and sections are from New Jersey streets, bridges, etc...
Note: Please take a note of our new address. It is the original one still works but I think is is much more easier and better to use cuz its shorter and better.
Update Info:
- 3/2/00 -
I just added a new graffiti artist, a girl, Jive. Right now I haven't scanned
her images but later this week I'll have them done. So come back to check out
her art. Also I added a new section and removed another for now. I added Route
287 and removed Route 1. Check out my new sections and come back soon for more
new stuff. Also come back for update info and other stuff.
Visit the super graffiti web site. The mother of graffiti art!