I would like to personally say thanks to a few people who help me finish this web page. It's actually an assignment and without the help of my few friends I wouldn't have done this homepage.
        Firstly I would like to thank my lecturer who teaches us how to do this homepage. He did guide us a lot in doing the animation's and photoshop.
        Next I must thank my parent who encourage me to do my homepage. Thank you for always advising me all the time.
        Not forgetting my friends also who help me out when I'm totally blur. Sky or real name Ong Kok Aik. Hey Sky, without you I couldn't have done the picture in my main menu page. And it will look very ugly! Thanks again for teaching me to use photoshop.
        And also Rahman who did thought me a little tips on doing my homepage. You did give me a lot of idea for making my homepage looked better.
        Mathan, although you and I always have different opinion on everything but I know you're still a nice guy.
        Soon, one thing you did help me is you let me use the computer first when it's really crowded in the lab.
         Cheok too. Thank you for teaching me some java script. I'm really greatfull when you take the time to look for the script for me.
         Liang, thanks for teaching me how to use ms-dos to upload. Then I don't have to depend on the ftp server again!
         Thank you everybody.

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