< < < < j l g : : : jl's gallery > > > >

Yeah, that's right.  JL's Gallery (jlg) is moving.  Why?  Very good question, and I think you all will appreciate the answer.

You may have noticed that FortuneCity insists on constantly popping up banners.  Not just one, which is barely tolerable, but two at a time . . . every time you load a page.  I don't like banners and I know that no one out there does.  As if this weren't enough, I am constantly having problems with their Page Manager utility, which means it's extremely difficult to update the site constantly.  In fact, at present, the only way I can update is via CuteFTP.  So, I'm movin on out.  I just can't believe I actually put up with FortuneCity's nonsense for so long, especially when there are better hosts out there.

Also, I'm getting tired of the plain design and I've noticed that it looks rather ugly in Netscape.  Thus, the new site will look hella better and will maintain its phatness pretty well in Netscape . . . not perfectly, but well enough.  I'm also starting to favor FTP, since I can "update" without actually going online and simply upload my files into my account.  This is especially helpful for me and will guarantee more updates in the future.

Trust me, the new installation of ::jlg:: will be exponentially better than this one . . . except for maybe one thing: no more Fan Art section (gasp!).  I'll explain why not on the new site, which will be up very soon.  Word is bond.