GASSEN, Henry-[207]
GUESS, Francis Josephine-[208]
SIMONITSCH, Jacob Stephen-[242]
GASSEN, Anna Gertrude-[219]
SIMONITSCH, Loretta Mary-[245]


Family Links

SIMONITSCH, Loretta Mary-[245]

  • Born: 9 Apr 1907, Tenny, Wilkin, Minnesota, USA

   General Notes:

Personal knowledge. The Jocob Stephen SIMONITSCH - Anna Gertrude GASSEN family information was given to me (Florence CRONE SCHLOSSER) by child No.3 Loretta Mary SIMONITSCH VAN GAAL on the family group record, during our September 1965 trip when Ivan and I and my father (Grant Crone) visited her at her home in Le Sueur, Minnesota.

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