Do the Math

GW Boyz!

By Phoenixfeather

Sit down at my standard issue desk, in my standard issue math class. Why is math so boring? Why is it that the hardest subject is the one that is the hardest to stay awake in! I get out a piece of paper and start taking notes, about some sort of angles, I think. I don't even understand half of it anyway. I will pay attention...I will not let my mind wander! Listen some more to the teacher's droning words, not even really hearing them, just the tone. No! I must concentrate....I can't afford to fail math again. I try to listen, but the words and explanations make no sense, like the teacher is speaking in a foreign language that everyone but me can understand. Look down at my paper, the little blue lines look so inviting, I could just ignore all this horribly boring information my teacher is so enthusiasically spouting and slip off into my own little world of paper and pencil. Sketching and creating to spark the fire in my now-stagnent brain.
This is getting me no where fast! I tear my eyes away from the paper force myself to sit up straight, eyes glued to the overhead.
I must concentrate!
......Apparently my eyes were only elmers-glued to the overhead because they keep unfocusing, turning inward to more appealing ventures.
Grrrrr, I'm such an idiot! I must concentrate..I
I raise a little white flag in surrender and let all the thoughts, ponders, ideas, characters and creations that I had been holding at bay, rush through my head. Like a flash flood. I pounce on one at random, taking hold, examining, poking and proding it, trying to understand and further develop this unique thing. I hunker down in my desk, trying to hid behind the girl infront of me, so that my teacher won't call on me while I'm drifing like this.

Push the on button. Music starts playing in my head, its "Infinity" by Megumi Hayashibara, a song I know well enough to remember the words and melody without even trying.
Pencil to paper, drawing helps me think. Get lost in the lines and shading, the eyes and spiky hair of my anoynoumous anime creation. Ah, bliss. I love to draw!
Look around, everyone is getting out their math books. I'd better do same. Fumble around in the depths of my generic school backpack, finally pulling out my lifeless math book. Open it to a random page and retreat back to my self-made world.

The music changes, this time the song is "Ultra Relaxed" by Shinohara Tomoe. My thoughts take a turn for the decidely weird.

HTML tags they should have:


Resist the urge to giggle at a particularly interesting mental image that last on brought up. This song is really catchy! I tap my foot ever so slightly to the beat, I hope no one notices. What do I need to do today?
My thoughts plunge into the world of webmasters. Downloads, uploads, hits, improvements, dialogue, MLs and projects. All the things I worry about on a daily basis. Online I'm a webmaster of a site that gets 200 hits a day. Here, I'm just a failing math student. Which is better? heheh, do the math.
Swivel my head around to check the clock. 2:20, this class is taking forever! I want to get out of here, Set me free, you stupid bell!
The last thought triggers a song "Breeze" by Megumi Hayashibara, how appropriate. I've got to get home and online, to implement all these ideas I've come up with. I want to build, create, put my thoughts and muses into reality!...Or virtual reality, but that too is a different type of reality.

Three tones sound.
I throw my bag indifferently over my shoulder and head out, of the stuffy building, out of
the place where I spend six hours for five days a week. grinning, I eagerly head for the bus, happy at the thought of going back to the world that I never really leave.
I have thoughts, ideas, inspirations, creations and epiphanies that weren't there an hour ago.
But I'm still horrible at Trigonometry.

Well, what did you guys think? Any and all random comments should be sent to
[email protected]