Not being brought up with any specific religious background has afforded me the opportunity to sort of "feel my way" as far as what my beliefs are. Ever since I was 13, I have been on a quest for a belief system that fits my needs. Most "organized religions" are riddled with contradictions, irrational logic, and misinterpreted ideas. I've been through books on everything from Catholicism to Wicca, and everything in between. The result of this research has been a belief system which combines the most acceptable fragments of each individual system.
My belief system includes the presence of a Supreme Being, as does any religious system, but it also includes the duality of a masculine and feminine aspect more common in the older pagan systems. This God & Goddess that I believe in are ever-present in everything I do. The masculine God aspect, kind of sits back on the sidelines and lends me a neverending supply of strength to accomplish those things that must be accomplished. The feminine Goddess aspect, is the aspect that is responsible for causing the things I want to happen to come to fruition.
I align myself more with my Goddess, than with my God. She is the one whom I converse with regularly, and keep up my relationship with. This does not mean that my God falls by the wayside. There are times when I need him, call on him, and he is more than happy to assist in whatever way I require. My Goddess, however, has blessed me with a depth and diversity of feeling that I have rarely encountered elsewhere.
My Goddess has also blessed me with an innate empathic ability, which means that I am generally able to pick-up the "base" emotion of anyone I am dealing with. It's a nifty little tool my Goddess has provided me. It allows me to discern whether or not someone is speaking the truth, or has some hidden agenda they want to keep secret from me. This gift also assists me in my poetry. Actually, it is the primary thing that makes my poetry possible. Most of my poetry is inspired by people who evoke intense emotions from me. My empathic ability allows me to phrase my feelings in such a way as to make my feelings tangible to the reader. Even if the reader is not the person who inspired the poem originally.
My Goddess has also blessed me with the ability to travel when I'm resting. To visit other people and places, and to see things I've never seen without leaving the comfort of my own home. At one point in my travels, I met someone who was able to describe the rings I wear, in detail, without ever having met me, or previously conversing with me. Somewhere, our paths had crossed and we had made an impression on one another. I have had reports of people who have dreamed of me, or felt my presence around them. These are all from people whom I have never met in the flesh.
I have the ability to read cards as well. My preferred deck is the Druidic Animal Oracle put together by Ms. Caitlin Matthews. The deck follows the Druidic pantheon of animals, and draws on their meanings to interpret life's events and the querent's position within them. More often than not, I am accurate in my readings. If I'm not accurate, generally speaking, it is because there is another issue, unbeknownst to the querent that must be resolved prior to working on the issue at hand. I can usually accurately assess that situation as well.
I also do crystal healing, energizing, cleansing, programming, and travelling. I have come to believe that there is a powerful spiritual energy source contained within these stones. A truly loving energy source for those that know how to use it. I have become so adept at crystal work, that it is no longer necessary for me to be in possession of the crystal at the time. I can now call upon the energy wherever it happens to reside. Of course, it is always helpful to have the stones on hand, however, it is no longer a requirement for me.
I have, in the past, been able to converse with the dead. I try not to practice that particular ability because it is very draining and, the last time I did it, I predicted someone's death, down to the season. Needless to say, it didn't please me when that prediction became accurate.
My abilities are all heightened at night. I draw on the electricity of the darkness, and the fire of the moon to complete those tasks that can't be completed on the physical plane. If you would like to delve into this aspect of myself a little more deeply with me, you may e-mail me on my main page, or try to catch me on IRC. On DALnet, I go by PrinceTrystan, and on Undernet, it's simply Trystan`. I'm usually on after 12a PST.