Some other ways of wearing longer hair
Take a basic ponytail and give it a more romantic middle age look with a bit of styling and a wide clip at the back to spread the width of the ponytail.
  1. OK for men
  2. Not for men
For: 87% (52)
This is yet another Sophie Marceau picture - a lady who knows how to manage long hair. Here is her hair is worn in a top knot. Is this so outrageous for a guy? What about Sumo wrestlers?
  1. OK for men
  2. Not for men
For: 77% (43)
This picture and the one below show a variation on the ponytail. More severe looking than normal, but very smart!
See comments above. But not that clips and not ponytail bands are used here.
  1. OK for men
  2. Not for men
For: 85% (39)
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