Any man or woman that decides to grow their hair longer should think for a moment about the type of look that they want to achieve. Many times, guys in particular, will just not get their hair cut - allowing it to grow unattended - in the desire to get long hair quickly. However, this can often lead to a scruffyish look, an eyesore to others. Faced with mounting criticism or increasing difficulty to manage his hair, the man then cuts it short again and thinks that long hair is not for him. Unsatisfied, at a later date, the guy tries again with the same results. Growing longer hair takes committment and time and many of these problems can be avoided with some initial thinking and planning.
Firstly, consider what type of hair you have. Is it curly or straight, thick or thin, coarse or fine. Do you have any prominent facial characteristics that will be enhanced or hidden with the style you want. With your lifestyle, how much time can you afford to put into looking after your hair. What is the current condition of your hair and what is your current style and length.
You don't need to know exactly where you want to end up, but having an idea may help when the going gets tough. Nonetheless have an idea of what you want to achieve in the next 6 to 12 months. Why is this important? Well, for example, if you want a long style with no fringe or bangs then you need to grow them out - there is no point in growing the rest of your hair first and then wishing that you had thought of this earlier while you wait for your front to catch up. Similarly growing out layers can take time and is best done around a definite style and early on while the hair is easier to manage.
You may need to prepare yourself for difficult times. Growing out bangs can be tiresome and irritating. Being prepared and having some tricks up your sleeve can help. Make a friend with someone who has grown their hair long for support and advice. Also trust in your stylist and be clear with them in what you want to achieve.
Some growing out style suggestions