Brian Matthew Kessler

College Mail Box XXXX

Stockton State College

Pamona, New Jersey 08240

September 30, 1991



XXX New York Avenue

Apartment 4D

Elizabeth, New Jersey 07201

Dear Sandy,

Just got your letter earlier today.

Should I ask for details on what happened between you and Jay and between you and George or jut take it for granted that Jay was staying in your house for awhile and then you kicked him out and that you and George are no longer friends?

When you say Tony no longer bothers you, do you mean it no longer annoys you when he calls or that he no longer calls?

There are very few headbangers down here and I don't really hang out with them. A could suspect I am a narc since I am straight-edge... they must be stupid... if I was a narc, I would be acting like I was interested in doing drugs so I could get to the dealers... but they can go to hell... don't care.

My roommate is usually out or sleeping whenever I am around so we have no problems.

College life is boring. I am trapped in South Bumblefuck with no car and too much time.

I took and aced my first Calc test today.

I haven't called Ayesha since I haven't had a phone. (I brought the phone bill at home up $44 from calling here while I was still home). I called her once on my parents calling card (although my parents have since changed the number) to see if she would be coming down here to go see Morbid Angle at City Gardens with me. Apparently they were playing at the Marquee the night before so she was going to hit that up instead. I wrote her a letter but she did not write back yet.

I have my phone now but I am going to avoid the temptation to do any long distance calling.

I saw Morbid Angle play with Unleashed and Entombed on the 22... great show... skin heads in the mosh pit were a bit annoying though... too rough.

I was supposed to go see Mindfunk play last night but Mike (the person in M-102, I'm in M-103) dis'd me on that. He claims he went home and then went strait to the show from there so he couldn't come get me.

I am going to go see the Ramones on Friday... should be a good show.

GWAR is playing on Oct 29... Can't wait.

I don't remember sending any poems... none in my file either... explanation needed.

Another boyfriend? Tell me about him. You really getting married? I kept expecting to see the word "syke" stuck in there somewhere. I think your nuts too get married to him this quickly (not just saying this to be agreeable). In conservative Judaism (sp?) a rabbi would not perform a marriage until each person could state a flaw in the other person to make sure that they really know each other. Do you know of any flaws in John. If not, I think you aught to hold off on marriage and if so, are you sure you can live with them? I don't really mean to sound like a kill joy or anything like that, it is just that I don't want to see you get hurt. If he is truly right for you, congratulations and good luck.

That's all for now... later.

Yours truly,

Brian Matthew Kessler

P.S. Phone number is up top.