Hahahah! Ok well, i'm back. Did ya guys miss me? Of course you did. Heh yeah right. As if you guys realy care what I think. I just sort of use this as a venting sort of thing. I dont like burdening others with my problems and opinions..but i figure it's their own fault if they choose to come and read my stuff...and so I don't feel quite as bad. :o/ Yeah anyway onto my topic. The subject up for discussion this time is Respect. I myself grew up in an environment where the people around me demanding respect...and they treated me equally despite my age and gave me respect as well. And all was good until I got to the point where I realized that not everybody grew up in that same type of environment. They either grew up where there was either no respect at all or where they were just told to respect their elders and no one else. (note: I know not everyone is like this) Let's take adults and teenagers for example. Audlts all demand respect from teenagers..and it's only right that they do. I feel it's important to respect your elders. But I also feel that they need to respect us teenagers as well. Despite a popular belief among some adults..we're not all lazy. A lot of us work just as hard if not harder as most adults do. Well hmm..on with my story. Today I spent two hours with a large group of adults (who shall remain nameless, because I *RESPECT* their privacy) This afternoon, this group of adults, some fellow students and I got together and discussed a rather controversial subject. Both sides had sperate points of view...and both sides deserved to be heard. But these adults whom I speak of are all very intelligent respectable people. They work very hard there is no doubt in my mind about that. But the one thing that bothers me about this group of adults is that they expect us teenagers to give them respect, to respect the fact that they are older and ultimately they deserve respect from the younger generations, but some refuse to return the favor by respecting us teens. Do we not deserve the same respect in return? I think we do. Some adults disregard our importance and think that we don't deserve the same respect they do. We speak our minds about this very important and controversial subject and they site there and rudely shake their heads and roll their eyes. As if what we have to say doens't mean jack diddly. And that only their opinions matter. I personally feel that they disrespect us because they are intimidated by not only our intelligence but our willingness to speak our mind. They can't handle the thought that a group of students have a mind of their own and they choose to speak their mind about school topics. God forbid any student actually wanna take part in making their school a better place, that we actually want something more then to just prove our popularity by winning a slot in student gonvernment. We might actually wanna change our school for the better. To help improve the high school experience for future generations. And yet all they can do is roll their eyes at us and shake their heads. How dare you adults expect us to respect you when all we get from you is total disrespect. How can you expect such a luxury, such an emenity as respect and not have the same courtesy to return that favor to another person despite their age. I myself, despite another's age respect everyone and expect that same consideration to be returned to me in full.
Well those are all my thoughts for the day, I figure I better shut up now or else I'll never get to bed. Thank you all for reading..and if you ever have anything to add or to counter to our rants please feel free to send your responses to "[email protected]" we'll respond promptly. Thank you! Peace Out! Love Always, ~J :o)
Go sign the guest book now for me so I don't have to rant about that next week!