The Page of Rants as written by a Silent Girl that merely observes the world around her as they revert to primal instincts in which they are completely oblivious that she's listening and watching.

Some role models you are.

Well I haven't touched the home page in weeks!I must say I would've forgotten if I hadn't thought to make another rants,terribly absent-minded I am.And what would those poor deprived people without my lovely sarcastic rants do?I'll tell you what they'd do,they'd stomp over to my house and beat the sense back into me.Yup. Ok so maybe they won't do that but c'mon let me think to have some kinda of twisted worth.

The peeve of the moment is the expression, "You know?" or anything like that expression(see what I'm saying,ya'know?That like). It's very annoying! People would try to explain something to me by "Yeah yeah so you see what I'm saying?" and I terribly angered would reply back, "No, I don't see what the hell you're saying,you're spluttering gibberish you idiot" Alright maybe I wouldn't say that terribly angered I might think it though.Just goes to show I have manners..and a semi guilt probelm,it's not as bad as Jessica's which I won't go into. Back to the peeve at hand, it's definately irritating to hear that expression in every other sentence. "Don't you agree?See what I mean?"

My other rant is the fact I falter at any attempt to put graphics on the home page.I try and try with no avail.Maybe there's something wrong with the name of my image...

On a serious note of rants (for you people who may think my earlier rant was childish): the Y2k bug. There's a bunch of people whom believe the world is gonna end on January 1, 2000. That's higgley-piggledy!(It's just a funny sounding word.Ignore it.)They stock up for 3 years worth of food,canning butter even..Think of it afterwards even if the world didn't end they'll be stuck eating canned lard because they don't want to let it go to waste.It's pretty darn sad. Here they worry about canned butter than batteries to cook their food.Although maybe cooking on a large slab of rock outside might be some kind of primitive barbque.I can really picture cavemen cooking with an ugly hat and soiled apron that reads 'Don't bite the cook' in glyphs.The whole idea is just riduculous.

Yes,I am well aware that reading this was a definate waste of time. If it didn't even make you crack a smile then I can't be humorous.You can point your fingers and say "Bad,Bad. Don't write anymore you moron." and then I'll reply,"If you don't like it just don't read it you rude cretins." and that would be that.

Run back as fast as your modem can carry you?